Çağdaş Öncü Okulları
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  • Veli Bilgilendirme Sistemi

    Veli BilgilendirmeSistemi

  • Çağdaş Öncü Okulları Telefon

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Graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Law. Worked as a blacksmith and cartoonist during his school years. He performed dramas as a producer in the first TRT team which was the first to start TV broadcasts in Turkey, in 1967.

He studied TV broadcasting, managership, regie teaching in England, Japan and BBC. He worked as a producer, executive, {education center,……, TRT-INT} at TRT was the founder and manager of Avrasya TV. He was the first to sell TRT products (programs) to big film and TV program markets by traveling the world for several times. He put his signature to a lot of co-productions with foreign TVs. He retired from TRT as the head of departments of TV and deputy general manager after serving there for 25 years non-stop continuously in 1992.

He became the general coordinator of “Alo Bilgi Group” in 1992. In 1993, he served as the founder general manager of Eko TV (today CNN-Turk), which is associated with Canale Plus and Time-Warner, bound(connected) to Koç Holding. Dating from 1977, she has been conducting lessons as well as conferences and seminars about media managership(management) and TV Careers at İstanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Communication.

He has been consulting for several establishments about copyrights, TV managership, media relations, crisis management and crisis communication, rhetoric and body language. As a TV programme producer and manager, he earned 14 rewards, notably from Sedat Simavi. In 1992, he was chosen as the(was titled) “Successful Public Officer of the Year”. He represented TRT and Turkey, in various commissions of council of Europe and European-Asian Broadcast associations.

Date: 4th of November 2015, Wednesday
Place: Private Çağdaş Öncü Schools Conference Hall
Time: 10.30

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